“There will never be peace in the world until we have peace within ourselves.”

Shri Mataji Nirmala Devi

Follow the session again

If you missed the session for Nabhi Chakra, here you can follow it again:

Homework for beginners 🙂

Was it your first time meditating with us? We look forward to sharing this journey with you in the following weeks! And we hope you feel ready to join the main course focused on our energy centers from next week. Please enjoy these recorded sessions – meditation on our innocence and our pure attention, during the week, before our next meeting:

Home meditation

Try guided meditation from We Meditate!

How to raise Kundalini and give bandhan, before and after meditation:

Self-realisation led by Shri Mataji Nirmala Devi:

Illustration of Kundalini and Subtle system

Speech from Shri Mataji

Video about Nabhi and Void

The nabhi chakra governs our sense of peace within ourselves and with the world around us. When balanced, this centre provides us with total satisfaction and contentment, enabling us to be generous and evolve beyond our material needs.

Read more about Mooladhara in English or Swedish.

“We are seeking the peace of the universe: you cannot achieve it through any one of these bombs, you can only achieve it through the Spirit which is the source of all the peace.”

Shri Mataji Nirmala Devi