A 10-week online course on Sahaja Yoga meditation
Experience meditation ♡ Feel the peace within
7th of June – 9th August 2021, every Monday at 19:45– 21.00 CEST
Playlist of recorded sessions
Free meditation with We Meditate!
Online course schedule
Every Monday:
(Central European Summer Time, as in Stockholm, Rome, Berlin, Brussels)
19.45 – 20.00 Log in to Zoom, greetings
20.00 – 21.00 Meditation session
21.00 – 21.20 Interaction, Q&A
Week 1 Meet Your True Self (2021-06-07)
Week 2 The Beauty of Innocence Within (2021-06-14)
Week 3 Stress? It doesn´t have to be our companion (2021-06-21)
Week 4 Family Union and Family Values (2021-06-28)
Week 5 Over the Ocean of Illusions (2021-07-05)
Week 6 What is Pure Love (2021-07-12)
Week 7 How do I communicate with others and how do I relate to myself? (2021-07-19)
Week 8 Forgiveness is powerful (2021-07-26)
Week 9 Inner Silence and Harmony (2021-08-02)
Week 10 I am the Eternity (2021-08-09)

About the course
– What is meditation, and how to achieve it effortlessly?
– Can we enjoy a peaceful state within, in our busy daily life?
– Is the most powerful thing in the world, childlike innocence?
– And, from where comes the identity called “I”?
In this 10-week online course, you will get answers to all these questions. Let’s experience the awakening of the Motherly energy within us and the state of thoughtless awareness – spontaneously. The main focus of the course is the experience of meditation, vibratory awareness, through guided meditation. We will share subtle knowledge of Sahaja Yoga, of our subtle system – chakras, channels, and their subtle qualities. We will also share simple Sahaj techniques on how to balance our subtle system and therefore deepening our meditation. For that, you don’t need to pay anything or have any prior experience, but only a pure desire to know the true Self that is full of peace, joy, and love for others. We look forward to journeying through this inner awakening and transformation with you, every Monday evening.
By the end of the course, We hope you could enjoy the habit of daily meditation and feel the benefit in your daily life. You can then join our free intermediate sessions on Wednesdays and “Going Deeper” sessions on Tuesdays for those who meditate with Sahaja Yoga regularly.
Our classes are suitable for everyone of all ages, no physical yoga, no prior knowledge or experience is required.

Shri Mataji Nirmala Devi - Founder of Sahaja Yoga

“When you put the seed in the Mother Earth then it sprouts by itself, spontaneously. That is what is Sahaja. Is all built in within you and you have every right to achieve this state of selfhood, which is in the fourth dimension of your awareness, which we in Sanskrit call as turia, is the fourth dimension. All this is within you. All this power is within you. You are built in that way. We have to understand that our Creator is the greatest organiser.”
Shri Mataji Nirmala Devi

Meditate at home
An important part of our online course is your own meditation at home. We will help you with everything you need to know to get started with your own daily meditation.
After each session, we will send you materials related to the session, also home meditation that you can follow during the week before the next session. Please remember to share your email with us during the session 🙂

“In the tree of life there are only three or four flowers in the beginning, but when it grows, when the blossom time comes, then so many flowers are there and they become the fruits.”
“The time has come. This is the time of judgment, a special time, a blossom time when thousands of you have to get your realization.”
Shri Mataji Nirmala Devi

Previous 7-week beginner course (Jul-Sep, 2020)
Seeking the truth – Innocence – True Self – Balancing – Attention – Ego and superego – Going deeper