A 7-week online course on Sahaja Yoga meditation
Experience meditation ♡ Feel the peace within
July-September 2020
Online materials
This course has finished. Here you can access the recordings of online sessions and materials for home meditation:
Seeking the truth – Innocence – True Self – Balancing – Attention – Ego and superego – Going deeper
Shri Mataji Nirmala Devi - Founder of Sahaja Yoga

“When you put the seed in the Mother Earth then it sprouts by itself, spontaneously. That is what is Sahaja. Is all built in within you and you have every right to achieve this state of selfhood, which is in the fourth dimension of your awareness, which we in Sanskrit call as turia, is the fourth dimension. All this is within you. All this power is within you. You are built in that way. We have to understand that our Creator is the greatest organiser.”
Shri Mataji Nirmala Devi

“In the tree of life there are only three or four flowers in the beginning, but when it grows, when the blossom time comes, then so many flowers are there and they become the fruits.”
“The time has come. This is the time of judgment, a special time, a blossom time when thousands of you have to get your realization.”
Shri Mataji Nirmala Devi